In today’s competitive information age, you’re only as informed and up to date as your news sources. So when you login to LinkedIn or load your RSS reader to check the morning’s news, how can you be sure you’re getting the updates that will make a difference in your day?

Whether you’re just building your list of go-to sites or stuck in a rut with your usual suspects, here are 9 social media blogs you can’t afford to miss.

Most Entertaining Social Media Blogs

If social media isn’t your most favorite thing in the world, you might need to pad your reading list with a little fluff to make it manageable. These blogs put great content into readable (and enjoyable) articles that make you come back for more.


From Google+ basics to a call to action piece like “7 Apps You Don't Want To Miss,” Mashable is the King of the must-read headline. Subscribe for updates multiple times per day, or make a note to check in once per week to navigate the topics by what piques your interest.


LifeHacker has a short and sweet mantra: Tips, tricks, and downloads for getting things done. And that includes social media. From sorting out the “Five Best Social Media Managers” to sharing “The Six Best YouTube URL Tricks,” LifeHacker is all about the quick and useful tips that will keep you at the top of your game.


If you want opinion pieces and to read both sides of an argument, Technorati is your one-stop shop. Looking for something clickable to share on social media? Try "The Billion Faces of Facebook on One Page” or "Google Street View Brings Big Zoos to Your Small Screen."

Most Well-Rounded Social Media Blogs

If you’re looking to get a better sense of the social media field as a whole, you need a news source that will take the bird’s eye view and give you both sides of the situation. Enter: the “know a little about everything” blogs that approach each topic with a thorough, educational rundown.

Business 2 Community

Business 2 Community is a content aggregator site with tons of new content coming in each day. Whether you need to zero in on a particular social media platform, or just seeking overall strategy tips, this site will have a wide variety of opinions and resources. Start with these posts:

Social Media Examiner

Ultimately the most well-rounded resource, the Social Media Examiner works on a daily schedule, bringing fresh news and strategies for social media platforms from LinkedIn to Instagram to Facebook. Looking for overall strategy tips? Consult the expert interviews section to help you find and maintain your own best practices.


From "A scientific guide to posting tweets, Facebook posts, emails, and blog posts at the best time," to “How brands are embracing big social data," TheNextWeb runs the gamut between short “tricks and tips” posts to full-on long reads about industry trends. Both kinds of articles will make you more effective on the web.

Most In-Depth Social Media Blogs

For those looking to delve deeper into the whys and hows in the world of social media, you need news sources that won’t sugar coat it. If you’re comfortable with a number of social media platforms and curious about the statistics and figures behind the industry’s latest trends, these websites will have the latest news for you:


Surprised? Forbes: Social Media is a great source for the business-savvy looking to be in on the what’s what. Not quite believing it? Just check out the Forbes pieces "Five Quick Tips for Better Instagram Photos," and "What Google’s Hummingbird Update Means for You."


While Hootsuite has its own product to push, it also does its best to cover news in social media. Learn new strategies for your social media platforms, or just keep updated on the top 10 most recent Twitter trends. Energetic, informed writers make it a pleasure to read.

Social Media Today

Need some impressive, updated statistics for a presentation? Looking for a reliable guide to a new platform you’re investigating? Social Media Today is your go-to website to get recent news and new ideas for your business. Start with these:

Learn how to use social media for your business