Inbound Marketing

Lead Generation & Lead Nurturing

The hunt for the next customer can sometimes feel like a Whack-a-Mole game — a lot of hit and miss punctuated by furious searching for the next sign of a website visitor who’s ready to buy. 


Get Qualified Leads From Your Website

For some companies, this looks like an emphasis on cold calling or purchasing email lists. For others, every call to action on the website is a call to become a customer. In either case, these companies are skipping a critical step in the buying process: lead generation.

You can’t have an effective B2B marketing program without developing a robust lead generation strategy. It’s the engine that transforms your website visitors into customers.


Frequently Asked Questions About Lead Generation & Lead Nurturing

What Is lead generation?

As HubSpot defines it, a lead is any person who indicates interest in your company's product or service in some way, shape, or form. A lead isn’t just anyone — they aren’t a cold call, they aren’t someone who might become interested, and they aren’t someone who you think of as an ideal customer.

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This is a person who has found your company and has started thinking that you might be a good solution to their problem. In one sense, you don’t decide if someone is a lead — they do. Because it’s their interest in you that qualifies them as a lead.

The goal is for a lead to become a customer, but not every lead will do that. Some leads won’t be a good fit for you, or you won’t be a good fit for them. There are lots of reasons why leads don’t convert into customers, which is why it’s essential to keep generating new leads.

And that’s the trick, isn’t it? You’re looking for new leads, but you can’t simply pick them out of the New Lead aisle at the supermarket or take a website visitor and flip their Lead switch. 

That’s where lead generation comes in. Lead generation is the Inbound methodology of converting a website visitor into a lead. It’s done by providing the right content to the right person at the right time.

Who are you targeting as potential customers?

If lead generation is done by providing the right content to the right person at the right time, then it’s important to be sure you know who the right person is! You don’t want to attract people who will never buy from you, or customers who make life difficult. You want to attract your ideal customers — the ones who love doing business with you and who you love doing business with.

How effective is your website at generating sales?

Before your company does marketing of any sort, you have to know who your ideal customer is. Defining that target isn’t enough, though — you also have to understand who your target audience is, how they make buying decisions, and what their pain points are. You can do this by creating buyer personas.

A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data about your existing customers. A fleshed out persona will guide the content you create so that you’re targeting the right audience and speaking to their greatest concerns. 

Every company has their own version of a buyer persona, but they typically include the following kinds of information:

  • Relevant demographics
  • Pain points and frustrations
  • Description of their role
  • Decision making inputs
  • Common questions and objections
  • Other important information to understand your audience

You may have multiple personas as you need to create content for different audiences. Use your buyer personas to inform every piece of content you write, from case studies to social media posts.

We have a lead database already. How should we more effectively sell to them?

To sell more effectively to your existing leads, focus on a lead nurturing program with automated emails and manual phone calls. Here’s how it benefits you:

  1. Build Trust and Educate:

    • Automated emails: Regular, informative emails address common objections and educate prospects about their challenges and solutions, keeping your brand top-of-mind.
    • Personalized content: Tailored emails make your communication relevant, improving engagement and moving leads closer to a purchase.
  2. Strengthen Connections:

    • Occasional phone calls from sales: Well-timed calls provide a personal touch, building trust and addressing specific questions, making it easier to convert leads.
  3. Prioritize sales-ready leads:

    • Lead scoring: Identify and focus on leads most ready to buy, ensuring your sales team’s efforts are efficient and effective.

We can help develop this plan, create the email content, and set up lead scoring in HubSpot, ensuring you convert more leads efficiently.

Ready to make your marketing a sales engine?

Let’s have an initial conversation to answer any questions and discuss how it works for your business.

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