HubSpot’s Inbound conference is one of the premier events for marketing professionals. This year's edition did not disappoint, with top-notch speakers and actionable insights galore. Here are some of the top takeaways and trends from this year's event.


This is Inbound’s first year back in person (hello Boston!) after running their complex conference virtually during COVID. HubSpot chose to offer a digital track for Inbound this year,  as well as the in person sessions. We had several agency clients remark that in-person turn out seemed lower than the pre-pandemic attendance levels, with some HubSpot marketing professionals choosing to participate online. The digital calendar was a pared down schedule compared to the in person event but offered valuable presentations and networking opportunities. 


Personalization is Key

With competition in the market fiercer than ever before, it's more important than ever to personalize your marketing efforts. Consumers are tired of being treated like a faceless mass, and will respond favorably to brands that make an effort to connect with them on a personal level. 

This means tailoring your message and content to fit the needs and interests of your target audience. With so much noise out there, it's more important than ever to make sure your marketing is personal and relevant. Otherwise, you'll just get lost in the shuffle. Luckily, there are myriad tools and technologies available to help brands achieve this goal. 

Visual Content is More Important Than Ever

In today's attention economy, it's more important than ever to create content that is visually appealing and easy to consume. People are more likely to remember information if it is presented in a visually-interesting way, so it's important to incorporate visual elements into your content strategy. This can include things like infographics, videos, images, and charts.

Artificial intelligence is your friend

AI can help you do everything from understanding customer sentiment to automatically generating impactful marketing copy. It's no longer a futuristic concept; AI is here and now, and smart marketers are already using it to stay ahead of the curve. 

Video is (Still) Huge

People love watching videos, and they're only going to become more popular in the coming years. If you're not using video in your marketing efforts, now is the time to start. Video is a great way to engage with your audience and get your message across in a clear and concise way. There's no better time than now to start incorporating video into your marketing strategy.

Don't Forget About Voice Search

With the rise of smart speakers and virtual assistants, voice search is becoming increasingly popular. Make sure your website and content are optimized for this growing trend so you don't get left behind. 

Chatbots are Here to Stay

Chatbots have been around for a few years now, but they're only getting more popular. That's because they're an incredibly effective way to interact with customers and provide them with information in real-time.

One session explored how chatbots can be used to improve customer service–a vital part of the customer’s journey and the flywheel approach to inbound marketing. The speaker explained how chatbots can automate tasks like answering common questions and routing customers to the right department. He also discussed chatbot implementation and strategy using HubSpot's Conversations tool. We left the session excited about the potential of chatbots and how they can help businesses save time and money while providing a better customer experience.  If you're not using chatbots, you're missing out on a valuable opportunity to connect with your audience. 

In Conclusion

HubSpot's Inbound conference is always a great event for learning about the latest marketing trends and best practices. This year's conference was no exception, with plenty of inspiring sessions and interesting takeaways. Stay ahead of the curve by incorporating some of these top takeaways and trends into your marketing strategy.

At Whittington Consulting, we offer HubSpot expertise paired with marketing, sales enablement, and website development strategy and execution.  Contact us to ask a question.

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Note: additional research from Amber Brooks and Meredith Warren.