You’re in business because you provide the best products and services to your customers. So when it comes time to expand your business, of course you only consider the best candidates!

Unfortunately, all businesses struggle with recruitment at some point in the growth process. It’s tough to find the right people with the right skills at the right time! But did you know there’s something you can do to increase your access to high quality new hires? The secret is in your own website.

Your website, social media, and company blog can all be recruitment tools to help you find the right job candidates for your business.

Use Your Website to Impress Candidates, Not Just Customers

Your website tells visitors a lot about your business: Polished and professional? Austere and uptight? Loose, fun, and hip? These are all tones your website can strike, whether you do it on purpose or not.

And it’s not just customers who are paying attention. More and more job seekers are evaluating a business based on its website, even before applying for a position. And if they don’t like what they see? They might not even apply.


Flickr uses web page code to recruit programmers Flickr uses web page code to recruit developers.

But let’s keep it positive: online recruiting using your website can be creative, fun, and effective. Just take a look at Flickr’s recruiting image, located secretly within the page source of its website pages.

Reach Candidates with Social Media

More than 92 percent of employers currently use or intend to use social media for recruiting. But don’t stop at LinkedIn. Other social media platforms are less formal, but they’re not made of faceless hordes -- they’re made of talented, skilled, and local individuals who would love to hear from your company.

Consider using Twitter Advanced Search to locate active Twitter users in your industry, or LinkedIn group conversations, to identify users who could bring their talents and skills to your business. Especially when it comes to highly-specialized industries like healthcare and engineering, reaching out to candidates on their home turf will pull up more results than just looking at candidates actively seeking employment.

High-Quality Content, High-Quality Candidates

Internet presence management and online marketing really works for developing high-quality leads. But what many don’t realize is that it’s just as effective for hiring.

When you’re publishing and promoting high quality content, you’re also offering up an opportunity for prospective hires to engage with your thought leaders. When you’re good at what you do, people want to be associated with you.

Even better? When you recruit via your company blog and publishing prowess, you’re attracting people who are active and informed in their industry -- two characteristics of a great hire.

Bad hires are expensive to your bottom line and your brand’s future. So why not make sure your internet web and marketing presence is set up to help you identify the right candidate for your team?

Could your website be more effective? Request an evaluation.