Case Study

F. Curtis Barry & Company


The Challenge

Flatlined Website and Sales Processes

F. Curtis Barry & Company built a sterling reputation as an operations and fulfillment consultancy serving multichannel (catalog, e-commerce, and retail) companies. As a family-owned business, they have a close-knit professional team and intimate dynamics that offer their clients hands-on, caring service.

Yet, despite a reputation for creating meaningful client results, the company was unable to meet the sales it needed to take business to the next level. Without a thriving digital presence and defined sales processes, F. Curtis Barry & Company struggled to reach new visitors online and drive business growth.

The company’s challenges were diverse, leaving key leaders unsure how to move forward.

Organizational Setbacks

Despite having a nimble team, they’d recently lost their main sales and marketing person, and didn’t have the resources or strategies in place to continue growing. Their lack of manpower and inefficient website left them with declining sales and deficient marketing processes.

Underperforming Technologies

To help close their gaps, F. Curtis Barry & Company purchased HubSpot marketing software to drive sales from their website. But without training or strategies to help them use the tool, they idly sat on a trove of valuable website data.

Inability to Build and Measure Website Revenue

With a dated website design, the company operated a brochure site rather than a genuine sales tool. They published a breadth of content but had no intentional plan for capturing leads. Rather than guide their audiences’ behaviors, they waited for interested companies to intermittently reach out to them after reading content. This reactionary approach caused sales to slump over time.

"As a consulting company, Whittington directly understands the professional world we operate within. Rick and his team helped us to not only identify how to do things the right way, but why it was the right way. That support was so enlightening. Being able to understand the ‘why’ is essential and directly drives our current sales success."

Photo of Brian Barry
Brian Barry President at F. Curtis Barry & Company

Our Solution

Strategic Advice That Put Them Back on Track

Knowing they needed to boost sales quickly with limited labor resources, we advised them over a period of months. Our goal was to revamp their sales efforts by transforming their site into a effective business development tool and training their employees on how to use it.


Provide In-Depth Goals Analysis

We looked at every aspect of what our client was currently doing to meet sales revenue versus their missed opportunities. We identified the effectiveness of everything from their eNewsletters and SEO to their website navigation and usability. By putting ourselves into their target audiences’ shoes, we implemented the tools and tactics needed to reach their goals.

Redesign Website

Redesigning their website was an obvious need. Our focus was to go further and design a website that created successful sales engagement. To do so, we designed a user experience that guides audiences to download valuable content while capturing lead intelligence. From articles to blogs to white papers and beyond, we advised our client on how turn their content into a sales magnet.

Maximize Sales Data

F. Curtis Barry & Company used HubSpot’s marketing software, but without knowing how to use and gather its deep data, they were left in the dark. So we taught their team how to use HubSpot’s CRM to turn the intelligence it captured into actionable sales data that revealed purchase intent.

Train Their Employees

Their business success hinged on the capabilities of their own team to support lasting, strategic, technology-driven growth. So we provided hands-on skills training that taught their entire team, including new interns, how to use their online platform and develop data-focused sales strategies.

The Result

An Effective Sales Engine Driving Robust, Predictable Growth

In just one year, F. Curtis Barry & Company not only improved their website performance — they quadrupled the amount of leads in their monthly sales pipeline.

Previously, their website created roughly 18 – 24 business leads each month. Today, F. Curtis Barry & Company generates 80 – 100 monthly leads, directly improving revenue.

Our client now has a fully functional sales funnel. From becoming thought leaders through content publishing to translating audience behavior into sales insight, F. Curtis Barry & Company proactively drives growth. Their disjointed content is now a purposefully designed sales engine creating ongoing downloads. They’re using HubSpot to the fullest extent, scoring leads based on marketing behavior and employing its Customer Relationship Management (CRM) abilities to track sales opportunities. They’ve successfully revamped their retreating sales-contact list into a tactical tool that grows with warm leads, daily.

In every step, F. Curtis Barry & Company has the data, resources, and skills they need to thrive. As their consulting partner, we stand ready to help them pivot and continue seizing business momentum with savvy and know-how as they grow.

Ready to make your marketing a sales engine?

Let’s have an initial conversation to answer any questions and discuss how it works for your business.

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