Case Study

Virginia Ear Nose and Throat Associates

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The Challenge

Flat Patient Volume

Virginia ENT is a growth-focused regional ear, nose and throat practice with four locations, a surgery center, and a physical therapy center.

They’re a forward-thinking business, but their old-fashioned brochure website didn’t communicate that and wasn’t delivering what really counted: new patients.

For this program to be a success, we needed to:

  • Turn their website into a dynamic lead generation machine
  • Attract and capture local searchers looking for an ENT practice near them
  • Use digital advertising to grow patient volume

Lots of irrelevant traffic

While their website was bringing in visitors, it wasn’t delivering new patients. A high bounce rate indicated that the visitors they were actually getting, which was mostly national, wasn’t relevant for their regional business.

Weak local SEO strategy

There was no clear, cohesive plan to generate web traffic from local searches and then make sure that traffic would ultimately become new patients. As a leading ENT practice in the area, they expected to be more visible on search engines.

Lackluster digital advertising

Their Google advertising efforts weren’t giving them the results they wanted. Their existing campaigns were very basic and needed significant optimization to turn traffic into leads. The practice also lacked useful reporting, with insights and analysis by a real, live human.

Our Solution

A Comprehensive Multi-Channel Strategy

It was clear that an integrated digital marketing strategy focused not just on driving traffic, but on increasing patient volume, was badly needed. Our goal was to use historical website data and our own expertise to implement digital campaigns that delivered new patients.

We took a multi-channel approach, overseen by a dedicated marketing expert, who was always available for questions or concerns.

First, we redesigned their website using growth-driven design principles to better showcase their service offerings. We also focused on improving overall search engine optimization using the most up-to-date tactics. 

We implemented a local SEO strategy, which brick-and-mortar businesses like medical practices need in order to drive local traffic. Our local SEO tactics included creating individual practice location pages, redesigning physician bios, and building Google My Business pages for each location. We then optimized their PPC (pay-per click) advertising program with fresh ads, a research-based keyword strategy, and a brand-new non-branded ad campaign.

The Result

Growing Patient Volumes While Reducing Ad Spend

Virginia ENT’s online appointments are up 78% year over year and phone calls are up 240%. The new website content was quickly indexed by Google and the practice now consistently sees their web pages returned in the coveted first page of search results.

Virginia ENT website design

Organic traffic grew 243%. We know it’s the right people as site stickiness, an indicator of relevancy, improved.

Our new design reduced the number of visitors who immediately left the site without interacting by 78%.

At the same time, we reduced Google advertising spend by 70% while generating more inquiries, greatly increasing ROI.

The reporting we implemented to prove results was bolstered by strategic insights and analysis, not just raw data.

And since the new website also made it possible to pivot messaging quickly, when COVID-19 hit, they were able to promote their telehealth offerings and maintain their business in the face of an unprecedented crisis.

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