Whittington Consulting is proud to announce that we have been named the North American winner in the "Grow Better: Sales" category in HubSpot’s third quarter 2021 Impact Awards. HubSpot is a leading, internationally recognized CRM platform for scaling companies. 

Whittington Consulting has been a certified HubSpot Solutions Partner since 2012. The HubSpot Impact Awards recognize members of its Solutions Partner Program who go above and beyond to help their customers grow better.

Whittington Consulting was one of hundreds of entries from HubSpot Solutions Partners across the U.S., Canada, and Mexico for this award.

"Our solutions partners play such a pivotal role in helping scaling companies around the world grow better. Whittington Consulting has demonstrated a strong commitment to the success of their customers. On behalf of everyone at HubSpot, I want to congratulate Whittington Consulting and the other Impact Award category winners on this exciting achievement."

Brian Garvey VP Solutions Partner Program at HubSpot

About the HubSpot Impact Awards

The Impact Awards are given on a quarterly basis in five categories:

  1. Grow Better: Sales 
  2. Grow Better: Marketing 
  3. Grow Better: Service 
  4. Integrations Innovation
  5. Website Design

You can see a list of the other quarterly category winners as well as past winners in the Impact Awards Hall of Fame here.

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The Award-Winning Submission

Our winning submission was for a case study entitled “Pivoting During A Pandemic” which outlined our sales results and inbound digital marketing work we did for our client, Gather Workspaces. 

The challenge from the client – develop a digital marketing strategy and launch tactics that drive measurable sales results. The twist: this client’s business model relied on in-person interactions. Like all of us in 2020, Gather Workspaces was hit with COVID-19 restrictions that negatively impacted their company’s earning potential and yet they still needed to grow to meet aggressive business goal targets for their investors. 

Read the full case study and winning entry here to see how we achieved the following results for our client (despite being directly impacted by COVID-19).

The results we were able to achieve included the following:

  • 12X ROI from our inbound marketing efforts  (based on 2020 revenue and marketing spend with our agency)
  • More than $950,000 in annual revenue directly attributed to our efforts
  • 149% increase in tours from paid search
  • 42% increase in tours from organic search
  • 66% increase in total tours
  • 33% increase in active members
  • Decreased average time in tour scheduled to toured by 10 days
  • Decreased average time in toured stage by 33 days
  • Decreased average time to contract sent to closed by 6 days

Read the case study

"We engaged Whittington Consulting to help us drive more traffic to our website, turn that traffic into tours, and to measure success. They developed processes and systems to use HubSpot within our daily operations and feed into our sales process. Whittington Consulting was there every step of the way, and always willing to help. They always followed through with everything they said they were going to do."

James Crenshaw Owner & Chief Marketing Officer of Gather Workspaces

About Whittington Consulting

At Whittington Consulting, we believe that your website, digital marketing strategy, and sales efforts must all be aligned to attain business growth.

We take a holistic, data-driven approach to digital marketing. We start with revenue goals and work backwards to ensure you’re hitting the right numbers at each critical juncture: from number of clients, sales qualified leads, marketing qualified leads, down to the number of visitors you need on your website. 


Interested in seeing how we can help you get similar high quality digital marketing and sales results for your business?

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