Case Study

A Home Health Care Provider's Leap to Lead Generation Excellence

As a prominent national home health care and hospice care organization with hundreds of locations, our client faced several business challenges. Despite having a wide-reaching service area and a large potential audience, the organization's online presence was not effectively capturing or converting leads, hindering its ability to reach and serve more patients.


The Challenge

Poor Website Health & Lead Capture

The COVID-19 pandemic also negatively impacted the company, as many seniors in need of care were apprehensive about having home health nurses visit their homes during the first year of the pandemic. This situation added to the complexity of reaching and assisting those who could benefit most from their services.

The home health provider encountered several obstacles in optimizing its digital presence for better lead generation and conversion:

  • Low conversion rates: The website's visitor-to-lead conversion rate was 0.39%, significantly below the industry benchmark. This means they were missing out on hundreds of leads monthly.
  • Fragmented website structure: The website was scattered across various domains and subdomains, complicating measurement and tracking efforts.
  • Inefficient lead capture: The company wasn’t able to route leads from the website directly to their local locations. As a result, they were not able to measure lead-to-patient conversion at each location.
  • Poor search engine optimization: The website suffered from numerous issues affecting its SEO performance, including content organization problems, slow page speeds, and non-optimized content.

Our Solution

Digital Optimization and Lead Generation Strategy

To address these challenges, we first conducted an assessment of their digital assets. We then redesigned parts of their website to increase lead capture and took over the management of their digital advertising campaigns.


Our work with them included:

SEO and website optimization

Conducted a technical SEO audit, implemented on-page and technical SEO optimizations, and optimized images to enhance site health and search engine visibility.

User experience enhancements

Redesigned the homepage and navigation, implemented HIPAA-compliant lead capture forms, and introduced website design changes to improve the online experience for potential patients.

Lead capture and routing

Implemented a lead capture and routing system so that new contacts were automatically sent to the local locations by zip code.

Paid search optimization

Managed and optimized advertising campaigns, specifically targeting the personal care, home health, and hospice segments, to increase leads and optimize expenditure.

Content strategy

Mapped content to buyer personas and user intent, optimizing for conversions with strategic calls to action and landing pages tailored to personal care, home health, and hospice service lines. By doing this, we were able to help seniors and their families find the information they were seeking about home health services our client offered.

Performance measurement

We implemented cross-domain tracking in Google Analytics so the client could see analytics across the entire website, not just in sections. We established relevant KPIs and developed a dashboard so the client could aggregate data in one place. Additionally, we installed heat mapping and data measurement tools to inform design decisions based on website visitor behavior data.

The Result

Significant Improvements in Online Engagement and Lead Generation

Our work yielded significant improvements in various metrics and key performance indicators. Moving their educational resource library to HubSpot substantially increased website performance scores, making the client's resources more likely to appear in search engine results.

The most notable wins include:

  • Web traffic growth: Overall website visits improved by 137% and unique visitors increased 134%, helping our client build their audience by having better search engine visibility. 
  • Increased lead generation: Lead generation optimizations resulted in a 149.5% increase in potential patients for their home health line of business and an average of 115 new sales opportunities monthly for the personal care line of business.
  • Enhanced user experience: The newly designed homepage saw an 88% increase in user sessions.
  • Improved website performance: Website performance scores overall improved 32.7%. Website performance scores for their educational content improved 61.8%, dramatically increasing the likelihood of appearing in Google search results.

This comprehensive approach to digital marketing not only addressed the immediate challenges faced by the senior care provider, but also laid the groundwork for sustained growth and improved patient acquisition. 

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