5 Website Content Tips to Make Your Content Truly PopWhen you search the internet, do you feel like there's a sea of website content to browse? Your customers feel the same way. So how does your website get noticed? Take advantage of these five website content tips to help make your website content outshine the rest.

Your website is much more than just a brochure. It truly is the B2B storefront of the 21st century. Just as you wouldn't let walk-by customers see a cluttered, dirty store window, you shouldn't let potential customers drift away because of boring, unfriendly website content.

Follow these five tips to make your website content truly pop:

Tip #1: Be Brief

The value of keeping your web pages short and simple online can be incredibly important to some companies, especially if you're trying to reach C-level decision makers that don't have time to read long articles.

In general, people scan your web pages, quickly evaluating if your website contains the information they need. People lack the time to scroll through hundreds of words to find what they need. Respect their time (and their ever-dwindling attention spans) by publishing short, "snackable" content. Think short phrases, action verbs and simple sentences where possible.

Tip #2: Use Reader-Friendly Formatting

There's a reason lists generate so much traffic and so many shares online. Lists satisfy the readers' need for structure. Because people don't read every word on your web pages, structure is important. Use short paragraphs and subheadings to help users skim content. When possible, use bulleted lists to help readers quickly identify the most important pieces of information.

Tip #3: Use the Inverted Pyramid

Journalists structure their news stories using the "inverted pyramid." The premise is simple: People tend to read the first few paragraphs before deciding whether an article is worth their full attention.

The inverted pyramid technique places the most important elements of a story at the beginning and works down to the supporting details. Structuring your website content in the same way lets readers find useful information earlier in the page.

Tip #4: Be User-Centric

Write to help your readers, not promote your company. While this may sound counterintuitive, this is the new reality of what your customers expect.

Before putting fingers to keyboard, think about what your prospective customers want rather than what you want to sell them. People hate overly self-promotional content, but unfortunately that is what they usually get when they visit B2B websites. Stand out from competitors by writing content that provides a service itself rather than droning on about the services you offer.

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How do you write better website content for your target customer?

Tip #5: Think Beyond the Desktop

Earlier this year, Google announced that it now receives more searches from mobile devices than from desktop computers. By running a desktop-only website design, you run the risk of turning off users from mobile and tablet devices, or at least making it unnecessarily difficult to use your website. Incorporating a responsive design will make your content friendlier across all platforms.

Developing quality website content that your prospective clients will find valuable takes serious commitment by you and your company, but is well worth the effort since it can position your company before competitors and generate qualified leads.