If you're like many businesses, one of your biggest challenges is figuring out how to generate more leads from your website. Proper lead generation and understanding how to track website leads are two of the best ways to grow your existing customer base and gain several new customers. 

A good lead generation website can also help your sales team close more business by filling their sales pipeline with warm leads. If you're struggling to get website traffic, one of these ten factors might be the culprit. 

Check Out The Ultimate Guide to B2B Lead Generation


Why Your Website Struggles to Generate Leads

  1. Your Website Is Outdated or Unresponsive
  2. Your Website Doesn't Have a Value Proposition
  3. You Don't Have a Social Media Presence
  4. Your Website Isn't Part of a Strategic Plan
  5. You Don't Have a Target Audience
  6. Your Website Isn't Getting Enough Visits
  7. You're Not Producing New Content
  8. Your Content Isn't Engaging
  9. Your Website Lacks a Call to Action
  10. Your Website Doesn’t Have Landing Pages

By streamlining your digital lead generation strategies, improving your lead generation marketing campaigns, and adequately optimizing your online presence, you will have more customers visiting your website and increase your customer conversion rate exponentially.

1. Your Website Is Outdated or Unresponsive

Outdated or unresponsive websites seriously impact your business's SEO and could even make your online presence obsolete in extreme cases. So often, B2B companies let their web presence lapse, a bad mistake regarding B2B lead generation. 

Regardless of who your end customer is, they still expect a smooth user experience. Ensure that people can view your website easily on a mobile device, that it's intuitive and easy to use, and that you're using contact forms intelligently to capture leads from website viewers.

Find out if your website generates enough business

2. Your Website Doesn't Have a Value Proposition

A value proposition lets your customers know what they can expect from their investment in your company, and it's one of the critical factors of proper lead generation marketing. Don't just talk about yourself on your website. Make a point to address your customers and let them know what benefits are in store if they invest. 

Testimonials are also a nice touch because they are outside sources confirming what you're saying. Include them prominently right on your homepage.

3. You Don't Have a Social Media Presence

If you want to stay competitive, don't overlook social media lead generation. Social media is vital for every business, even those B2B operations. Make sure that the type of social media that you're using is conducive to your customers and that you're engaging them with a variety of different posts.

Social media also increases your overall digital footprint, helping you rise in search engine rankings. This digital footprint enables you to improve your SEO lead generation because more people see your website and socials and click on them often.

4. Your Website Isn't Part of a Strategic Plan

Your website needs to be part of your strategic plan and overall lead generation campaign. It's your digital marketplace, the first thing that most prospective customers see and an integral part of your business. So if it's been a while since you've updated your website, it's time to get to work.

Your website can be the focal point for smart lead generation strategies if you take the proper steps to ensure that it's designed to get leads. Think about where you want your business to go, and optimize your website to help you get there. The work that you put in now will pay off hugely in the end.

How effective is your website at generating sales?

5. You Don't Have a Target Audience

One of the golden rules of any successful business strategy is to know your audience. Having a target audience helps you hone in on your message and create tailored, sharp content that will appeal to them.

The first thing that you need to do is identify your target audience, then revamp your website to speak to them specifically. At Whittington Consulting, we can help you rapidly discover who you should be marketing to and tailor your online presence accordingly.

6. Your Website Isn't Getting Enough Visits

Sometimes it's just simple; your website isn't getting enough hits. There are several reasons this could be happening, such as problems with your SEO strategy, a bad social media strategy, or if your website is not responsive, Google could penalize you for it.

There are many ways to direct traffic to your website and get some fresh leads. Start implementing them today, and you should see some real progress.

See if Your Website Gets As Many Leads As It Should

7. You're Not Producing New Content

Content is definitely vital. If you're not producing sound, tailored content that your audience wants to consume, you'll simply lose traffic. Think about what would appeal to your target audience and consistently create fresh content for them. You can also promote your content on your social platforms for extra exposure.

8. Your Content Isn't Engaging

Having content is one thing. Having engaging content that truly educates your target audience is something even better. It's essential to understand your customer's buyer's journey and create compelling content that puts them in the center of the narrative. Focus on the benefits, not just what you can provide.

Making content part of your inbound marketing services is an excellent way to develop lead magnets and grow your business. 

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9. Your Website Lacks a Call to Action

One of the best ways that you can get people engaged with your website is by telling them what they should do. If your website doesn't have any calls to action or directives, it's simply not going to get you the results that you want. Utilizing buttons and forms can help guide your viewers to take action on your site.

10. Your Website Doesn’t Have Landing Pages

Landing pages are fantastic ways to improve your online footprint and increase SEO performance. In fact, according to HubSpot, companies that have over 30 landing pages get seven times more leads than those with only one to give. 

Landing pages are also great ways to tap into new markets or geographical locations. So make them a significant part of your strategic plan and aim to add as many as possible.

website lead calculator

Are you getting as many leads as you could? At Whittington Consulting, we've helped countless mid-sized businesses increase their leads, customer base, and online presence. We are a top web design company that focuses on consulting our clients on making their website a sales system. Let us help you develop lead generation outsourcing strategies that work.